Barrington Pheloung's birth name is Barrington Somers Pheloung.
Berkeley Barrington's birth name is Berkeley Barrington Blake.
Pamela Barrington was born in 1912.
Ken Barrington died in 1981.
Tobias Barrington Wolff was born in 1970.
NFL player Sam Barrington is 6'-01''.
Sam Barrington plays for the Green Bay Packers.
Sam Barrington plays Line Back for the Green Bay Packers.
Sam Barrington is number 58 on the Green Bay Packers.
NFL player Sam Barrington played for South Florida.
NFL player Sam Barrington weighs 246 pounds.
Barrington Levy is 47 years old (birthdate: April 30, 1964).
The Stone Barrington novel "Son of Sam" was written by Stuart Woods. It is part of his long-running series featuring the character Stone Barrington, a former NYPD detective turned lawyer.
William Wildman Shute Barrington was born on January 5, 1717 and died on February 1, 1793. William Wildman Shute Barrington would have been 76 years old at the time of death or 298 years old today.
William Wildman Shute Barrington died on February 1, 1793 at the age of 76.
This Old House - 1979 Barrington Project Part 7 31-23 was released on: USA: 10 March 2012
This Old House - 1979 Barrington Project Part 6 31-22 was released on: USA: 3 March 2012