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Q: How old is Westminster Abbey church?
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How does Westminster Abbey worship?

Westminster Abbey, is an Anglican, Christian Church.

Where did the coronation take place?

The Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II was held in the Abbey Church of St. Peter, Westminster (Westminster Abbey) on 2nd June 1953

Is Westminster abbey a church?

Yes, and also it has a cathedral in it.

What church did Queen Elizabeth get married in?

Westminster Abbey

Can Roman Catholic be confirmed at the Westminster Abbey?

Certainly not, Westminster Abbey has been a protestant church since the English crown stole it from the Catholic Church in the sixteenth century. You may be confirmed at Westminster Cathedral.

Is wesminster a Church of England?

The City of Westminster is a part of London. In Westminster you'll find many churches, including Westminster Abbey which is a Church of England church, and Westminster Cathedral which is Roman Catholic.

Who lives in Westminster Abbey?

No one, it's an Anglican church.

Which church will Prince William and Kate Middleton marry in?

West minster abbey aka the queens church. Westminster abbey is a gothic church that queen elizabeth is head of now after her father died! Westminster abbey a.k.athe abbey is an Angelical church. So Kate and will are still Christian and the abbey is a Christian church my friend and I had an argument over it and I won I was right she is christian!

What is the difference between Westminster Abbey and St Paul's Cathedral London?

Westminster Abbey is Church of England and St Paul's Cathedral is Christian but non-denominational.

What is Collegiate Church of St. Peter better known?

Westminster Abbey

Is the Westminster a Catholic or Anglican church?

Both, Westminster Cathedral is the Catholic Cathedral for the diocese and Westminster Abbey, which was stolen from the Church by Henry VIII is now an Anglican worship center..Answer. Westminster Abbey is an Anglican church, Westminster Cathedral is a Roman Catholic church. Westminster Abbey was originally a Catholic church/monastery started by the Benedictine Monks. In 1539 the Catholic monks were thrown out. In 1556 Queen Mary restored them to their rightful place. In 1556 Queen Elizabeth (who was never the true inheritor of the throne) threw the monks out again and made the abbey Protestant..

Which abbey contains a monument in shakespeare honor?

Westminster Abbey in London. It has not actually been an abbey since 1540, but the church still stands and is used by the Church of England.