Victoria beckham is... 36.5 years old and was born on the 17th April 1974
David Beckham is.... 36 years old and was born on the 2nd March 1975
Being "Posh Spice" of the music group the Spice Girls.
Victoria Beckhams middle name is....Caroline!
Victoria Beckhams full name is 'Vicotria Beckham' as she was a member of the spice girls. Married to Beckham with three sons.
No, obviosly not. She has implants.
Eric Snow's wife is 34 years old
Its a misspelling of his wife's name: Victoria.
Being "Posh Spice" of the music group the Spice Girls.
Victoria beckham (posh spice; spice girls)
The Beckhams live in Los Angeles.
David Beckhams daughter is Harper Seven Beckham.
brooklyn is13 and romeo is 10 or 11 and cruz is 8
Victoria Beckhams middle name is....Caroline!
Beckhams favourite goal was the one he scored from his own half against Wimbledon in 1999.