Billie Joe Armstrong is 45 years old (birthdate: February 17, 1972).
Depends, he has two sons. Well, Joey is 14 and Jakob is 11. I hope that helps. This is in the year 2009.
July 17, 1959
Billie Burke died on May 14, 1970 at the age of 85.
Billie Holiday died on July 17, 1959 at the age of 44.
Billie Joe Armstrong was born on February 17, 1972
Billie Joe is 37 years old. He was born February 17, 1972.
Billie Joe was 22.
His name is spelled Billie Joe. And he is 37 years old :-) His name is spelled Billie Joe. And he is 37 years old :-)
he was 22
Billie Joe is currently 39, having been born February 17th, 1972.
Billie joe, deep in the heart o' Texas, started singing when he started speaking. One year old is the answer you seek.
Billie Joe Armstrong was born on February 17, 1972. He is now 41 years old. Billie Joe Armstrong is an American rock musician and occasionally an actor.
Billie Joe doesn't have a step-father. He only has one dad named, Andy Armstrong, but he died of cancer when Billie Joe was 10 years old.
Billie Joe Armstrong is 45 years old (birthdate: February 17, 1972).