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Ferdinand von Lindemann died on March 6, 1939 at the age of 86.

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Q: How old was Ferdinand von Lindemann at death?
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Who or what is Lindemann?

Who:Some famous bearers of the Lindemann name include the notable German 19th century mathematician Ferdinand von Lindemann, German champion figure skater Stefan Lindemann, acclaimed Canadian trumpet soloist Jens Lindemann and perhaps the most well known Lindemann, singer and poet Till Lindemann of the internationally known German band Rammstein.What:Lindemann is a Germanic last name with origins that have been traced to around the 7th century, and is thought to have began as a topographical surname for somebody who lived near linda trees, or what is known today as the lime tree. It's a fairly plausible theory; topographic last names are known to have started as some of the earliest last names. There are at least over 40 known and recorded forms and spellings of Lindemann, which include but are not limited to- Lind, Lindman, Lindermann, Verlinden and von Lindemann.

When did Karl Ferdinand von Graefe die?

Karl Ferdinand von Graefe died in 1840.

When did Ferdinand von Hompesch zu Bolheim die?

Ferdinand von Hompesch zu Bolheim died in 1805.

When did Ferdinand Johann Adam von Pernau die?

Ferdinand Johann Adam von Pernau died in 1731.

When did Ferdinand Reich die?

Manfred von Richthofen died on April 21, 1918 at the age of 25.

Related questions

How old is Ferdinand von Lindemann?

Ferdinand von Lindemann was born on April 12, 1852 and died on March 6, 1939. Ferdinand von Lindemann would have been 86 years old at the time of death or 163 years old today.

What is Ferdinand von Lindemann's birthday?

Ferdinand von Lindemann was born on April 12, 1852.

When was Ferdinand von Lindemann born?

Ferdinand von Lindemann was born on April 12, 1852.

When did Ferdinand von Lindemann die?

Ferdinand von Lindemann died on March 6, 1939 at the age of 86.

What do you mean to the symbol Pi of Ferdinand von Lindemann?

Ferdinand von Lindemann proofed that the number Pi is transcendental.

What German mathematition is famous for his proof that pi is a transcendental number?

Ferdinand von Lindemann, along with his colleague Karl Weierstrass

What German mathematician is famous for proving pi is transcendental number?

Ferdinand von Lindemann

What German mathematican is famous for his proof that pi is a trancendental number?

Ferdinand von Lindemann.

Who called pi transcendental?

Ferdinand von Lindemann, in 1882 happy pi day!

Who determined Pi to be a transcendental number in 1882?

The German mathematician Ferdinand von Lindemann.

How old was Ferdinand von Zeppelin at death?

Ferdinand von Zeppelin died on March 8, 1917 at the age of 78.

How old was Ferdinand von Hochstetter at death?

Ferdinand von Hochstetter died on July 18, 1884 at the age of 55.