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Kasturba Gandhi died on February 22, 1944 at the age of 74.

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Q: How old was Kasturba Gandhi at death?
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Kasturba GandhiKasthurba GandhikasthurbaGandhi's wife was named Kasturbai Makhanji. They were married when he was 13 and she was 14 years old.KasturbaKasturbai MakhanjiShe was Kasturba Gandhi.

What is Kasturba Gandhi's birthday?

Kasturba Gandhi was born on April 11, 1869.

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Kasturba Gandhi was born on April 11, 1869.

What is the birth name of Kasturba Gandhi?

Kasturba Gandhi's birth name is Kasturbai Nakanji.

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Kasturba GandhiKasturba Gandhikasturba gandhi was his wife....kasturba Ghandi

How old would Gandhi be?

Gandhi was 89 when assassinated and he would be 140 today

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kasturba makahji

When was Kasturba Gandhi College for Women created?

Kasturba Gandhi College for Women was created in 1973.