25 years old.
Elizabeth the 1st was 25 (twenty-five) years old when she became queeen.
Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland was born on 21st April 1926. She became Queen when her father, King George VI, died on 6th February 1952; she was then 25 years old.
She was 25 years old when she became queen on the 6th of Febuary 1952.
She was 25 years old.
25 years old.
Queen Elizabeth II became queen on February 6th, 1952.
Elizabeth the 1st was 25 (twenty-five) years old when she became queeen.
Queen Elizabeth I was born in 1533. She was 25 when she became queen in 1558 and died in 1603.
Both Elizabeth I and Elizabeth II were 25 years old.
Queen Elizabeth II was crowned in June 1953, she was 27 when she was crowned.
Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland was born on 21st April 1926. She became Queen when her father, King George VI, died on 6th February 1952; she was then 25 years old.
Her only parents were King George VI and his wife Elizabeth, who became known as the Queen Mother and lived to be 101 years old.
Her only parents were King George VI and his wife Elizabeth, who became known as the Queen Mother and lived to be 101 years old.
She was 25 years old when she became queen on the 6th of Febuary 1952.