Terry Funk was born on June 30, 1944.
Angela Funk is 5' 8".
Funk Wizard Snow is 5' 9".
Terry Funk goes by The Hardcore Icon.
Terry Funk's birth name is Terry Dee Funk.
Terry Funk was born in Amarillo, Texas.
Terry Funk was born on June 30, 1944.
Terry Funk was born on June 30, 1944.
Terry Funk is 67 years old (birthdate: June 30, 1944).
you cant terry isnt in the game you can create him but he is not in the game i own it and i know he is not in it but Terry funk is in smackdown vs raw 2011
Information about Terry Funk can be found in the biography "Terry Funk; More than Just Hardcore" which is available form Amazon, or from WIkipedia, his Twitter account or general wrestling websites.
Terry Funk is dead how do i know this? i killed him i am Tommy dreamerJuly 23, 2008 You are a complete idoit, you are not Tommy Dreamer and Terry Funk is still very much alive and living on his ranch in Texas.
No he his still alive
Susan Funk is 6'.