The first actor to play Michael Myers was Nick Castle. He was 5'10'. The second was Dick Warlock, who was 5'9". George P. Wilbur was the next and he was 6'2". Chris Durand was 6'2". Brad Loree was 6'2". Tyler Mane of the remake and new H2 is 6'8".
Personally the original film is the only one that matters to me, so I'd say Myers is 5'10".
Mike Myers
Mike Myers was born on May 25, 1963.
Mike Myers
Mike Myers has done over 101 movies and commercials together. This answer is correct. Answered by: Trista, who knows about Mike Myers!
The man who starred in the movie Austin Powers 4 is named Mike Myers. He is also one of the producers of the film. Michael John Myers was born may 25, 1963 and he's a Canadian- British- American actor, comedian, singer, screenwriter and film producer.
he is 5'9
Mike Myers is 6 feet 3 inches tall. He weighs 197 pounds. He bats left and throws left.
Mike Myers is straight.
Mike Myers.
Mike Myers
Yes, Mike Myers has 3 kids.
Mike Myers has 3 children
Mike Myers has 3 children
Mike Myers was born on May 25, 1963.
Mike A. Myers Stadium was created in 1999.
Mike Myers was born on May 25, 1963.
Mike Myers