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you can't even if you use hp up or put it to lv 100...

besides... its ability of wonder guard can keep him alive...

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Q: How to raise shedninja hp?
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How do you get a wonder guard in Pokemon pearl?

it is really rare to get a wonder guard. But there is one Pokemon that always has a wonder guard, it is bug and ghost type. It's shedninja. To get a shedninja first go to the eterna forest ( go with 2 empty spaces in your party) go catch a nincada (it is in your party). Then you evolve it with a rare candy or level it up then you will see an ninjask and in the other empty space you will see a shedninja with 1/1 hp and the abilitie is wonderguard but only super effective moves will hit it. ( NOT A CHEAT) anyone can do this i have tryed it and it has worked but if you face a fire type and you are using shedninja and it uses a fir type move than it will hurt your shedninja but you cant higher the hp it will only stay 1/1

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it evolves into ninjask/shedninja. (you can only get shedninja if you leave a slot open in your party when you have nincada.)

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no but shedninja can.

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Hiyeas, this is Karrmy, and I've been wondering why Shedninja only has 1 hp on Pokemon Indigo. I play Indigo alot and I just decided to bring up this question. Please answer this.With Loves, From KarrmyNo, Shedinja can be a very strong Pokemon, I think your Pokemon game has a glitch, after all Indigo is a very old game.-Vicky is Sicky

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you have to raise him levels, and not let him die. also you need to raise its hp when its low. then it will show freindship you have to raise him levels, and not let him die. also you need to raise its hp when its low. then it will show freindship

How do you get really rare Pokemon in emerald?

I don't really know some other rare Pokemon but I do know how to get shedninja in Pokemon emerald. First, you have to find a nincada that has a bold nature and evolve it into ninjask. Right after it evolves, look in your party and you might have a shedninja that says you met it at the same level in the same area at the same level caught with the same kind of pokeball, the same ID number as ninjask, and even the same move set as ninjask. What I think is really weird about shedninja is he only has 1hp and it never gets more hp as you level it up. Hope this helps.

When does nincada evolve into shedninja?

It's simple. you take nincada and put it in your party, but leave one slot open. It'll evolve at level 20 and you'll get a shedninja and a ninjask.

Where is shedninja in Pokemon Ranger?

Shedinja is located in the Lyra Forest.

How do you improve hb leval?

do you mean HP level? you can buy HP ups, which raise the base HP of you're Pokemon at the Veilstone Department store.

In Pokémon how do you raise the hp of a Pokémon?

you go to the pokemart and buy a hp-up but its like 4800 or summit so

Can you breed Shedinja?

Yes you can but the egg will be a nincada.You can breed shedninja with ditto.