HS could refer to the Pokemon Trading Card set "HS - Unleashed", released in 2010, which features a number of updated Pokemon cards from Generation II. As the set was released not long after Pokemon HeartGold and Pokemon SoulSilver, not to mention the packaging uses the particular font of these games, "HS" could stand for HeartGold and SoulSilver.
There isn't a set date yet if theyre going to make one, they will advertise it when they have set a date.
Shadow Lugia is not in HeartGold.
There is no TM transform in Pokemon HeartGold
In heartgold please :)
figuer it out
u have to change your ds time and date then your Pokemon games time and date will be the same
cheak it on the ds menu screen
march 14, 2010 is the release date
i think you can
The date for the distribution of the Enigma Stone key item event via Mystery Gift has not been announced yet for Pokémon HeartGold and Pokémon SoulSilver players outside of Japan.
You can set it by using the "date" command Syntax is "date MMDDhhmmYY"
There isn't a date for the Arceus Event in Pokemon HeartGold (unless you mean the event where you get Arceus). When you send over any Arceus into your HeartGold game, the event is activated. You'll have to go to the Ruins of Alph in order to do the event.
How do I set the date on a cardinal watch?
Probably Spring of 2010 (hopefully sooner!)
There is no set date that time will end.
iwant to set it ontime date and month plase help