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The Romans tried to suffocate her in a sauna but after 3 days she was still alive. Next they tried to decapitate her but failed again after 3 sword blows, the legal limit. They left her in her home to bleed to death.

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Q: How was Saint Cecilia martyred?
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Where was Saint Cecilia martyred?

She was killed in her home in Rome.

Where did Saint Cecilia die?

Cecilia was martyred in the 2nd or 3rd century in Rome, Italy.

Where is Saint Cecilia's place of death?

She was martyred in her own home in Rome.

Do Christians today celebrate Saint Cecilia?

Yes, St. Cecilia is still a venerated Saint in Christianity. She was martyred for her faith.

Who is Saint Cecia?

There is no Saint Cecia. However, there is Saint Cecilia who was a young woman in the early Church who was martyred for her faith but not before she gave all her possessions to the poor.

Who were the people Saint Cecilia ministered to?

Cecilia ministered to the poor and needy in Rome. She also formed a ministry to give a proper Christian burial to those martyred by the Romans. This led her to be taken prisoner, tortured and, eventually martyred herself.

Did Saint Cecilia become a nun?

Saint Cecilia did not become a nun voluntarily, but she was forced into marriage. She remained faithful to her Christian beliefs and convinced her husband to convert to Christianity. Cecilia was later martyred for her faith.

What was the name of Saint Cecilia's husband?

Saint Cecilia's husband's name was Valerian. Cecilia converted him to Christianity, and they both were eventually martyred for their faith.

When was Saint Cecilia's death?

It is though that she was martyred between the years 176 and 180. Other sources state she died in about the year 230.

When was Saint Cecilia born and when did she die?

Little reliable information is available on Saint Cecilia. It is thought that she was martyred in the third century (about the year 230) but there is nothing about her date of birth. She was probably born late in the second century.

What number saint is Saint Cecilia?

Saints do not have numbers. She is simply Saint Cecilia.

Why did Saint Cecila marry a pagan?

Saint Cecilia married a pagan man named Valerian, whom she converted to Christianity. She believed her love and faith could lead him to convert, which eventually happened. Both Saint Cecilia and Valerian were martyred for their Christian beliefs.