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Q: How were Bilbo and the dwarves captured by the goblins in the misty mountains?
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What gets eaten by the goblins in The Hobbit?

When the dwarves and Bilbo were captured, so were all of the ponies. The goblins ate the ponies.

Where were the travels after the goblins adventure?

The Dwarves and the Bilbo Baggins were lost between the Misty Mountains to the west and great forest of Mirkwood to their east, after getting lost in golin caves.

What are some problems that happen in The Hobbit?

Bilbo and the dwarves are caught first by trolls, then by goblins. they are trapped up in a tree because of goblins and Wargs

How long we're the dwarves captured by the wood elves?

the dwarves were captured by thorn and the wood elves long enough for bilbo to help them escape

What did Bilbo and the dwarves find most disturbing when they finally decided to investigate the room where Smaug kept his treasure?

The cave was dry and unoccupied. What they didn't know was that it was the 'front door' for the goblins living in the mountain. The goblins discovered them and captured them, but not before Bilbo shouted a warning that allowed Gandalf to escape capture and ultimately rescue them.

When does Bilbo Baggins show Loyalty in The Hobbit?

Bilbo Baggins is loyal because when the dwarves were captured by the goblins he went back into the horrible, horrible tunnels and look for his friends. He had just made up his mind that it was his duty, and that he must turn back.

Why did wood elves capture the dwarves and not Bilbo?

Bilbo kept from being captured by the Wood Elves in Mirkwood by using The Ring to turn himself invisible. He slipped in after the company of Elves that had captured the other members of The Company (namely, the twelve dwarves) as the Elves were escorting the dwarves into the Elven fortress.

How are Gandalf Bilbo and the dwarves saved when the goblins and wargs trap them in trees?

The eagles come and snatch them from the trees and take them off to their aeries.

Why was it fortunate that Bilbo has accompanied the dwarves into the cave?

He was able to scream before the goblins grabbed them. That gave Gandalf time to escape and he rescued them.

What happens to the dwarfs as they come to Bilbo's aid?

The Dwarves will get captured by the giant spiders who plan to eat them, Bilbo rescues them, only for them to be captured again by the Elves.

Did the goblins in the cave get Gandalf?

No, the goblins did not get Gandalf. Bilbo's yell when he discovered the goblins stealing things was enough to prevent him from being captured. Gandalf killed a number of the goblins with a big flash of lightening.

How does Bilbo get captured by the Wood Elves?

He doesn't. Instead, he puts on his Ring and sneaks unseen with the captive dwarves in with them.