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You will need an azure Flute though. Go to Mt. Cornet top where you see dialga and use the azure flute right at the entrence and stairs will appear. Go up them and walk forward and you will see arceus.

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Q: In Pokemon diamond were can you find Arceus?
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What is the best Pokemon in diamond and pearl?

I think arceus is the the strongest Pokemon in diamond and pearl. Also no moves are supereffective on Spiritomb and arceus

What is the most powerful Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond?


How do you get Arceus on Pokemon diamond pearl with out any events?

you get arceus at spear piller

How do you find Darkrai flute in Pokemon diamond?

The flute is for arceus, for darkrai it's mastercard. It's a mysterie gift.

Can Pokemon Diamond Arceus be traded to get Giratina in Heart Gold?

I think so :D Try it and find out!

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Where can you find a Arceus in Pokemon Ruby?

Arceus is not possible to find in Pokemon Ruby. It was released in 2007 with Pokemon Diamond and Pearl

How do you get the mystery gift for Arceus in Pokemon Diamond with cheats?

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Where can you find pictures of Arceus from Pokemon Diamond?

try here

How do you find arcaeus in Pokemon Diamond?

Arceus is a event Pokemon so get it from a event thing.

What pokemon game has Arceus?

Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum have Arceus.

Where do you find Arceus in Pokemon FireRed?

Arceus is unobtainable. With the game it is in (Such as; Pokemon Pearl, Diamond, Platinum.) it cannot connect to the Gameboy Advance to transfer.

Where to find Arceus in Pokemon LeafGreen?

In this generation of pokemon arceus doesn't exsist yet. So sorry but you can't find it in leaf green or fire red. arceus is in the next generation A.K.A. pokemon platinum /peril/diamond.

What is the rarest Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond?

arceus, or slowpoke, who is quite rare.

How do you find arceus in Pokemon Diamond?

u have 2 use action replay

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Is there a code to find arceus in Pokemon diamond?

go to That's where I found mine.