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She disapproves. She is disgusted by the partricution, the ruthless killing is not something she wishes to take part in.

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Q: In The Handmaid's Tale why doesn't Offred take part in the particution?
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In a handmaids tale How does offred feel about the activities that took place before in the gymnasium?

Offred feels a mix of curiosity, discomfort, and nostalgia when she sees the activities that took place in the gymnasium before the regime took over. She reminisces about the freedom and energy of those times while also feeling a sense of loss for the past way of life.

What chapter is Offred's name first mentioned in the handmaid's tale?

Offred's name is first mentioned in The Handmaid's Tale on page 91 when she says:"My name isn't Offred, I have another name, which nobody uses now because it's forbidden"

Who is the author of The Handmaids tale?

Margaret Atwood

Who told the story of 'The Handmaid's Tale'?

The narrator is Offred, a Handmaid.

Who wrote the handmaid's tale?

Handmaids tale Author is Margaret Atwood

Is the handmaids tale totalitarian?

'The Handmaid's Tale' is a novel. The government described in the novel is definitely Totalitarian.

The story of the handmaids tale?

Novel by Margaret Atwood, available in paperback.

Who tells a handmaid's tale?

Handmaid's Tale, a fictional novel, is written by Margaret Atwood. However, the story is written through the perspective of Offred. Offred is a main character and a handmaid. A careful reading of the novel and one can discern that the name of the narrator is June.

Who would you recommend a handmaids tale to?

A mature person. It is a very good novel.

What is the intended audience in The Handmaids tale?

the mass population of the mid-1980's

Why does luke kill the cat in the handmaids tale?

In order to escape without being noticed Luke, Offred, and her daughter must remain inconspicous. If they leave without disposing of the cat the neighbors will know something is wrong. If they release the cat into the wild, it will most likely paw on the door. They need to kill the cat if they have any hope of escaping.

What is the irony in the book The handmaids Tale?

One ironic aspect in "The Handmaid's Tale" is how the society is called the Republic of Gilead, yet it operates as a totalitarian regime that suppresses individual freedoms. Another irony is the notion of Gilead being created to protect women, when in reality, it oppresses and controls them through strict gender roles and regulations.