

Best Answer

summon winged rhino

chain Needle Ceiling

manually chain winged rhino

activate raigeki break targeting sakeretsu Armor by discarding winged


flip hane-hane targeting hane-hane

activate pot of generosity targeting hane-hane and blue-eyes white


activate advanced ritual art summoning shinato king of a higher plane

activate birthright targeting blueeyes white dragon

attack with shinato king of a higher plane and blueeyes white dragon

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Q: In yuigoh world championship 2007 how do you beat the duel puzzle prove your skill?
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What is a device used to test one's skill or ability?


If you had one word to describe A test of skill what would it be?

The word is puzzle.

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Why do you need skill in your lives?

Just so you can prove yourselves worthy.

Is minesweeper a game of luck or skill?

Every game of minesweeper is winnable, thus it is a game of skill. Luck has nothing to do with it, as Minesweeper is a puzzle game. Skill at figuring out where the mines lie, and quickness will lead to fast times.

Is it possible to complete a 24000 puzzle within a week with only two workers?

Yes it is, it depends on the skill of the people completing the puzzle and there ability to recognise shapes, colours etc quickly and efficiently.

How do you do duel puzzle 3 in Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's World Championship 2009?

Kill Burden with raigeki break. Discard Speed Warrior. Play Junk Synchron, get Speed back. Get hedgehog back. Play turbo booster. Sync into colossal. Final Attack Orders. Skill Drain. Push into XYZ, both die. Get colossal. Push into XYZ. Get Colossal. Push into XYZ. Get Colossal. MST Skill Drain.

What might have happened if Robin Hood had refused to prove his shooting skill in the royal preserve?

I love sex

How can you use the word hindrance in a sentence?

Their distinct lack of skill could prove a hindrance.This seemed to me to be an unnecessary hindrance.Often the greatest hindranceto the best is the good.

What is a aerobics certification?

An aerobics certification is basically a license an aerobics instructor or a personal trainer acquires to validate and prove there knowledge twords the skill of aerobics.

How do you do well in Wheel of Fortune?

Doing well in Wheel of Fortune is more than to be able to solve the puzzle you must also be lucky in the choosing of the letters, buying of vowels, and spinning of the wheel. Of course all of these things also involve skill, but skill is just not enough. Contestants who have solved most of the puzzles very quickly have seen themselves lose out to an individual who got lucky on the last round and ended up in the bonus round. Even when it is your turn and you know the answer to the puzzle you still have to decide whether to spin and take your chances or solve the puzzle for what you will get then. It's a game of both skill and luck and that helps to keep the viewers interest over all these years.

How do you earn 1000 stickers on first in math?

ok well you need to get the high sticher games like pundis puzzle, skill sets, JTF 100 and alot of other stuff