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Q: Is Amy rose's middle name actually rose?
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People actually eat roses????

What is the scientific name for 'purple rose'?

The rose is a type of flowering shrub and the scientific name for purple roses is Rosa.The flowers of the rose grow in many different colors, from the well-known red rose to yellow roses and sometimes white or purple roses.

What is kesha's middle name?

Ke$ha's middle name is Rose, and her real name is Keisha, but she just took out the i

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Rose Dawson.

What is roses second name from the titanic?

Her name is.......Rose DeWitt Bukater

What is derrick Rose's middle name?

Martell is Derrick Rose's middle name.

What is rose tyler's middle name?

Rose Tyler's middle name is Marion.

What does two dozen red roses with one white rose in the middle?

The sender of the roses wants to say "I love you a lot, as you are pure as a white rose" The sender wants to say "I love you a lot, as you are pure as a white rose"

What did the primrose represent in Medieval Times?

I just recently looked up information about roses in the middle ages and found that it wasn't until much later that rose gardens existed and that roses had value. The one use of the rose in the middle ages was the red and white roses in the War of the Roses between the English crown. So, I doubt that the primrose held any significant value in the middle ages.