Avril Lavigne does not have any children.
Avril Lavigne is 26 years old.
Hannah Lavigne is 14 years old.She has a sister shes 13 years old. Her dad has died if Hannah Lavigne was 7 years old.Thats a sad thing for her.But she don't give up.She knows her dad is behinde her that she has lucks.Her dad was a millionair(he had a own jewelry shop)and her mother is a assistant by D&G(dolce and Gabbana)...so they have much money and they are rich.A rich family.But Hannah Lavigne isn't like Paris Hilton that she does partys and give money for nothing.Hannah Lavigne has now an own Chain Collection.And this summer 2008 she wanna get a new Chain Collection and T-Shirt Collection.She become now like a lil' supsterstar.She wanna follow her dreams and she wanna do it perfect.Hannah lavigne can sing and she want an own CD....from now Hannah lavigne calls her sometimes Kitty Diamond(www.myspace.com/kittydiamond_x).Hannah Lavigne(Kitty Diamond) loves her life,but sometimes she must cry very much,cause her dad is died :'(
Yes! He has a three year old son and a set of twins with his now ex-girlfriend.
She was 25 years old when she got married.
he was 27 when he married Avril lavigne
Avril lavigne got marrried in 2006 and was 22 when got married.
Avril was 16 when she recorded "Complicated" now Avril is 27
Avril Lavigne is 26 years old and her birthday is September 26 1984
Avril Lavigne is alive and well...She was born on September 27th,1984 and she is now 25 years old.
Avril Lavigne does not have any children.
how old is avril lavigne?
I think Avril Lavigne's sister Michelle Lavigne is more young than Avril.
Avril Lavigne was 14 when she started singing.
If Avril Lavigne was born in 1984 and how old she would be in 1989 she would be 5 thats the answer people fans of Avril
She was born September 27, 1984,so now she's supposed to turn 27 years old. Hope I helped :) ---Summer_Freak
Avril Lavigne was born in 1884, therefor she is 24