No, They're not.
Dave Franco (James Franco little brother) Alex Pettyfer Sebastian Stan
Dave Franco is 32 years old (birthdate June 12, 1985).
No he's dating Alison Brie and he dated Dianna Argon
James Franco was born on April 19, 1978.
They are brothers, Dave is the little one, they also have another brother named Tom. James is the older, then Tom, and at last Dave, check out their Imdb's
The cast of Acting with James Franco - 2009 includes: James Franco as himself Dave Franco as himself
No, They're not.
Dave Franco (James Franco little brother) Alex Pettyfer Sebastian Stan
Dave Franco's birth name is David John Franco.
Dave Franco goes by Davy.
Dave Franco was born on June 12, 1985
Dave Franco is a/an Actor,voice actor,director
Dave Franco married to Alison Brie in 2017
Dave Franco was born on June 12, 1985
Dave Franco married to Alison Brie in 2017
Yes, Dave Franco married to Alison Brie in 2017