Julian Lloyd Webber is 60 years old (birthdate: April 14, 1951).
In London somewhere this is also where he was brought up.
He is a famous cellist. Type his name into Google to visit his homepage.
Richard Assange died on April 1, 2012, in Sydney, Australia.
Yes he is. He is currently filming a movie in Savannah, GA.
Julian Lloyd Webber was born on April 14, 1951.
Julian Lloyd Webber was born on April 14, 1951.
The Art of Julian Lloyd Webber was created in 2011.
Julian Lloyd Webber is 60 years old (birthdate: April 14, 1951).
Andrew Llyod Webber is still alive and he's a very famous British musical composer.
Julian Lloyd Webber has written: 'Short Sharp Shocks' 'The Great Cello Solos'
Andrew Lloyd Webber has a brother called Julian Lloyd Webber.
yes he is 71
He has a younger brother, Julian Lloyd Webber who is a renowned solo cellist.
Andrew Lloyd Webber has a brother called Julian Lloyd Webber.