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Luke cage can actually beat the Hulk only because Luke Cage or Power man is like a superman only doesn't shoot lasers or can fly or has a weakness to kryptonite. And plus superman is stronger than the hulk so Luke Cage [Power Man] has to be too right?

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Q: Is Luke cage stronger then hulk?
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Who would win in a fight hulk or luke cage?

Honestly I think it would be The Hulk because of high unlimited amount of power. Luke Cage may have diamond hard skin but I'm pretty sure The Hulk could, not only break, but crush diamonds into dust.

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Sadly Thor only because of his stupid hammer and his awesome god like power, but since Hulk could beat Thor and since Luke Cage could beat the Hulk couldn't he beat Thor

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During a battle with Incredible Hulk (issue #340, 1988), Wolverine's claws did indeed penetrate his skin. At one point he jabbed his claws into Hulk's gut, and you saw the back of Hulks shirt push out from the claws. You would have to assume that not only did the claws penetrate once (in the front) but twice (also through the back).

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