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Luna is a girl!

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Q: Is Luna the cat from sailor moon a girl or a boy?
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How do you say moon child in Latin?

The phrase "moon child" in Latin can be translated as "luna filius" for a boy or "luna filia" for a girl.

Is zoisite from sailor moon a girl or boy?

Zoicite is a boy in the Japanese anime version, English manga version, and a girl in the English dubbed anime version.

Is Luna a girl or boys name?

Luna is traditionally a girl's name. It is derived from Latin, meaning "moon." However, gender-neutral naming is becoming more common, and Luna could be used for any gender.

Is yaten a girl in sailor moon?

When Yaten transforms into Sailor Star Healer, he's a girl. However, when Yaten lived on his home planet 'he' was a girl. 'He' really is a girl, but on Earth, 'he's' a boy. In the manga, Yaten is always a girl but cross dresses like a boy (Like Haruka) to hide her identity. :)

Is Luna from mlp a boy?

No. Her name is Princesse Luna so that clearly means that she is a girl

Are there any boy sailors scouts in sailor moon?

No. There is Sailor Uranus, who is decidedly butch, but she's still biologically a she.

Can you get a boat in harvest moon boy and girl?

i think you can't get a boat in Harvest Moon Boy And GIrl ( not sure )

Is the earths moon a girl or boy?

Neither it is a moon!

Who are the three Boy Scouts in sailor moon?

They are not boys. They disguised themselves as boys but they are actually girls. They are the three Starlights. Their names are Sailor Star Maker, Sailor Star Healer, and Sailor Star Fighter.

Harvest moon boy and girl?

Harvest moon boy and girl is a farming game and is realy fun you should play!!!!

Does sailor Uranus want to be a boy?

No. Sailor Uranus does not want to be a boy. They only reason she is depicted like that is because in the Japanese version she likes girls. Also in the Japanese version she both a girl and a boy.

Is the moon a girl or boy?

The moon technically has no gender, but it has been commonly referred to as a girl. However, people also refer to the "man in the moon", which implies a boy moon. It can be argued either way.