Marcus Allen was born on March 26, 1960.
As of May 2010 he is still alive
Paul Allen is the co-founder of the software company Microsoft. He is alive and currently the owner of the Portland Trail Blazers and the Seattle Seahawks.
you use a phone book and time bomb
Yes. She has been dead since April 25, 1974
Marcus Allen is still alive.
Marcus Allen is Marcus Allen.
Debbie Allen is still alive.
He is still alive because I found a website with people writing to him.
The guy is still alive ...
Marcus Allen was born on March 26, 1960.
Marcus Allen was born on March 26, 1960.
Marcus Allen was born in San Diego, California.
i would like to know for sure if rance Allen is still alive. i would like to know for sure but if i were to guess i would say that rance Allen is still alive. If you're asking about Dr. Rance Allen of The Rance Allen Group he is very much still alive--and is 61 years old. Answered by Ms. Cecillia Wallace, his Personal Assistant.
Marcus Garvey is not alive still he had dies on June 10, 1940 at the age of 53 years old