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Q: Is OJ Simpson's lawyer Kardashian dead?
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Related questions

What exactly made Kim Kardashian and her whole family famous?

Their father was OJ Simpsons lawyer and that was a very BIG case, it was basically their step into the celebrity world

What were the name of the lawyers who defended OJ Simpson?

Robert Shapiro, F. Lee Bailey, Allen Dershowitz, Robert Kardashian, Johnnie Cochran, Carl E. Douglas and Gerald Uelman were OJ Simpsons defense lawyers for the double murder case.

What are the most scintillating details of the Kardashian's recent tv programme?

The most scintillating details of the Kardashian's recent program are pregnancy of Kim, divorces of Kim and all of the drama of the former family of the OJ Simpson lawyer.

Is Kourtney Kardashian OJ Simpson's daughter?

No she is not.

When was OJ simpsons born?

OJ Simpson was born on July 9, 1947

How did we get to know the Kardashians?

Robert Kardashian, was a lawyer for the OJ Simpson's trail. OJ was accuse of murder of ex-wife Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldmen. Robert Kardashian's ex wife married Bruce Jenner and Mr and Mrs Jenner, now have a t.v. show and there have like a 6 or so kids and if you watch the show you know them.

What is OJ simpsons name?

Orenthal James Simpson

Who attended the funeral of attorney Robert Kardashian Funeral?

oj simpson

What is the instrument played by Dole in the Simpsons?

Banjo. OJ nabs it

How far was OJ Simpsons house from Nicole Brown Simpsons house?

Less than two miles away

Did Robert Kardashian defend OJ Simpson?

Yes, for murdering his wife and her Boyfriend

Where is OJ simpsons bentley?

O.J had multiple Bentley's, but he sold most of them.