Sandra Bullock was in the movie Speed (1994) with Keanu Reeves.
Yes, Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves starred in Speed.
yes they were!! In the movie The Proposal!!
New Answer: The Craft Sandra Bullock has played a lot of roles in a lot of movies and with no description of the movie it is impossible to answer this question.
Gravity is a movie starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney as two atsronauts repairing the huble space telescopes. Hell breaks loose after debris smashes into it.
No, It's not but Sandra Bullock is a Oscar Winner in 2013.
Gravity, the movie, has received good reviews. The space adventure stars Sandra Bullock and George Clooney.
Sandra Bullock and George Clooney were the 2 stars in the film Gravity.
Sandra Bullock did not play Harper Lee in a movie. Sandra Bullock is an actress known for her roles in various films, but she has not portrayed Harper Lee, the author of "To Kill a Mockingbird," in any movie.
According to online articles and polls, the top rated Sandra Bullock movie is "The Blind Side". The movie stars Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw, and Quinton Aaron.
Sandra Bullock was in the movie Speed (1994) with Keanu Reeves.
Yes, Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves starred in Speed.
"Speed" was released in June of 1994. It is considered the movie that helped launch Sandra Bullock's career.
yes they were!! In the movie The Proposal!!
Sandra Bullock
yes she survived the greatest fall ever from space landing in a body of water
New Answer: The Craft Sandra Bullock has played a lot of roles in a lot of movies and with no description of the movie it is impossible to answer this question.