Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic was made before Star Wars: The Old Republic.
Star Wars The Old Republic (released 2011) is currently playable on PC. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (released 2003) was available on Xbox as well as pc
STar warS The old Republic is the middle east, any questions?
Several of them are popular. A few of them are the Star Wars Xbox 360 Kinect, Star Wars The Old Republic, and the multiplayer online game, Knights of the Old Republic
The Beta for Star Wars: The Old Republic has ended, and the game was released on December 20th, 2011.
Yes, Star Wars: The Old Republic in played online, there is no offline option for it. This is because the game is a MMORPG (Massively Multi-player Online Role-Playing Game).
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic was made before Star Wars: The Old Republic.
yes star wars republic commando is one of my favourite star wars game ever
The game "Star Wars: Republic Commando" is for PC and Xbox
Star Wars: The Old Republic was released on December 20, 2011.
A sequel for Star Wars Republic Commando was never made.
No. Star Wars The Old Republic will remain a online MMO.
the old republic is a fiew hundred years before the clone wars
Star Wars: The Old Republic was released to the world on December 20th, 2011.
star wars republic commandos 2 has not been made yet
go to and type in star wars republic commando demo