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no, she is not. But she was when she made her first solo album

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Q: Is Vanessa Hudgens being sued
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Why is Vanessa Hudgens being sued?

'Sued' is not a word. Also, people might understand you more if you type properly, because your question does not make sense at the moment.

What is Vanessa Hudgens's middle name?

Anne Her real name is Vanessa Anne Hudgens born on the 14th of december 1988!

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Vanessa Hudgens' full name is Vanessa Anne Hudgens.

Is Vanessa Hudgens embarrassed by being dumped?

probably everyone does vanessa doesn't like being rejected

What is Vanessa Hudgens's favorite hobby?

Vanessa Hudgens loves to stay at home and relax.. she loves shopping and being with Zach and her friends also!

How does Vanessa Hudgens spell her name?

Vanessa Hudgens

Does Stella hudgens live with Vanessa Hudgens?

Stella hudgens is vanessa hudgens sister she looks abitt like vanessa

All about Vanessa Hudgens?

Vanessa hudgens rocks you go vanessa hudgens from Ramneek Australia Vic Melbourne

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vanessa anne hudgens does vanessa anne hudgens does vanessa anne hudgens does vanessa anne hudgens does

Where is Vanessa Hudgens' dad?

Vanessa Hudgens' father, Greg Hudgens, is presumably at home enjoying his retirement with his wife Gina, Vanessa Hudgens' mother.

What is the name of the father of Vanessa Hudgens?

Vanessa Hudgens father's name is: Greg Hudgens.

Is Vanessa Hudgens American?

Yes Vanessa Hudgens is American.