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Yes, they are in the pack 'Legendary History', they are very rare though.

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Q: Is it possible to get 3 Blue eyes white dragons in Yu Gi Oh Nightmare Troubadour?
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You are a white man and you want a black penis Is that possible?

"You are a white man and you want a black penis Is that possible?" -------------------------------- Don't repeat the question for an answer. Also, it is possible, but i wouldn't suggest it...

How much does a Chinese water dragon weigh?

: White dragons are the weakest and the most feral of the classic chromatic dragons, but they are by no means harmless, if somewhat dimmer than other dragons due to the inbreeding necessary to create an animal that could resist the frigid temperatures that white dragons endure. They are still powerful enough to overwhelm most humans and have exceptional long-term memories. They are physically distinguished by several features: their heads and necks seem to blend seamlessly into one another, and their wings appear somewhat frayed along the edges. They have a flap of skin (dewlap) lined with spines beneath their chins. Their heads are very streamlined, and they have a high crest atop their skulls. They have a crisp, vaguely chemical odor. : White dragon eggs must be buried in snow or encased in ice while incubating. The parents do not bother to tend or protect the eggs in any way, although they will usually lay them near their lairs. A newhatched white wyrmling has scales as clear as ice, which become white as the dragon matures. They are expected to survive on their own from the moment they hatch, although some white dragon parents will permit their young to live in their lair until they reach adulthood. : Adult white dragons have several abilities well suited to their arctic habitat: they can climb ice cliffs with ease, fly very high and fast, and are exceptional swimmers. They love to swim in cold water; the more frigid, the better. Much of their diet often consists of aquatic creatures, even whales. White dragons are always hungry, and tend to become more savage as they mature. Knowing that they are the smallest and weakest of dragons, many whites harbor inferiority complexes. They take any opportunity to bully beings such as giants and younger dragons of other species. : White dragons lair in ice caves, often dug into the side of an arctic mountain. Their lairs often contain many more tunnels and chambers than those of other chromatic dragons. More powerful white dragons will sometimes turn a large iceberg into a floating lair. Such lairs always have an underwater entrance as well as one to the open air. : White dragons are not strong combatants as dragons go, but they should never be underestimated. Their icy breath can freeze an unprepared foe solid in an instant. They typically avoid fights with more powerful dragons, but will avail themselves of any opportunity to take their frustrations out on 'lesser' creatures. Whites also have exceptional memories, and will often hunt down beings who cross them, no matter how long it may take.

Is it possible to catch a legendary Pokemon after you run from it in Pokemon white?

No, it's not possible.

Is it possible to catch Reshiram on Pokemon white?

No, not in the wild.

What is the power of 2 blue eyes white dragons combined?

You can't combine 2 blue eyes, except with the effect of 'Gift of the martyr''. in this case it would be 6.000

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Nobody has proven that dragons exist. Is it possible that dragons could have once walked on this planet? Yes. The last census put the total world population of dragons at 3267, but you known how 'everybody' lies on those things.

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There are many dragons in Dungeons and Dragons, Chromatic dragons are seen as "evil" dragons; these are Red, Blue, Green, White and Black. Then there are the "Good" dragons, or metallic Dragons, these being the Copper, Brass, Silver, and Gold dragons. There are also other dragons that aren't as closely related, that aren't "true dragons" so to speak, including pseudo dragons and dragon turtles. _______________________________________________________________________ Well-known dragons include, but are not limited to, Bahamut (lesser deity of the metallic (not platinum in 3.5, at least) dragons), Tiamat (lesser deity of the chromatic dragons), Sardior (deity of the "gem dragons"), Gruaghlothor (ruler of the "ferrous dragons"), and Io (father of dragons).

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How much are 3 blue eyes white dragons?

go to eBay idiot

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Which country is called the land of dragons?

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