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Q: Is jeanne down etching neat kids worth anything?
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I bought a can of crisco spray and the label is on upside down is it worth anything?

it's worth what you paid for it.

Could a1939 american nickel with monticello stamped upside down be worth anything?

All U.S. coins have the reverse upside down.

By having no trade -in what is that worth when buying a used Vehicle?

ain't worth anything other than you mite be able to talk dealer down on price if payin cash.

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The backside upside down one is the standard issue.--well worn $60. The other variety is called a "medal" coin and is not upside down--it is worth $300 ( well worn)

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I'll give it $6.27

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An old silver buck could be worth something, you should have it appraised. It could also be melted down into silver and is worth the current price of silver times the weight of the bucket.

Is gold that is stamped but has no hallmark worth anything?

Depends how big the lump of 'gold' is. Probably it's worth a small amount to be melted down, but the buyer would have to take the risk that its value was small.

How much is a ounce of majiuana worth?

Anything over $200.00 for medicl MJ in Ca. would be too much. When it becomes legal it should go way down.

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How did Antony describe Cleopatra?

well there is no certain quotes or anything writted down/recorded about him saying anything to her but the reason he died was because after she had commited suicide he said 'life is not worth living without her' and he jumped on his sword and when he died they were buried together as they wished :)

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You go to the clone store and ask the guy for a penguin clone and haggle the price down to 50 cents :) It's not worth anything more. (This is wrong and stupid)

What is the value of an 1835 50 cent coin?

If it is really worn down it is worth around $50.00. If it is worn down but the hairlines and other features are partly worn down. it is worth $100.00 to $300.00. If it is uncirculated it is worth $1500.00.