i van here it is 435-6455
you ask him his phone number it is 1613-786-9797
yes Justin bieber should give cell phone number out to the world
no one knows because Justin doesn't want his cell phone ringing every few seconds so he only gives his number to friends and family sorry to tell you that girls i love Justin too
WikiAnswers will not reveal private information of celebrities to the Public.
what is Justin bieber's phone number, his real one
We don't give out personal phone numbers here.
i don't know but search it on google.
i van here it is 435-6455
you ask him his phone number it is 1613-786-9797
yes Justin bieber should give cell phone number out to the world
Oh I know! Its 555-not gonna happen! Oh and itsjustinsemailandyournevergonnagetit@gmail.com :)
786-654-3541">786-654-3541not real
because he was atracted to the girls or a girlstole it
Email him, Write him a letter, Phone him.
You could ask him on Twitter and see if he writes back :)