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Just Xbox360 and Ps3

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Q: Is sonic the hegdehog 2006 for PS2?
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Is sonic the hegdehog 2006 for psp or ps2 or Wii?

it is for psp,ps2,wii,360

Is there a Sonic The Hedghog 2006 for PS2?

No... Sorry kid. But Sonic Riders is for PS2. That game's great, you should get it.

Who is more famous Ringo Starr or Sonic the Hedgehog?

Ringo is more famous than sonic the hegdehog

Is sonic the hedghog for PlayStation 2?

No not under that title, but the Sonic the Hedgehog is part of the PS2 Sega Genesis Collection for PS2 released Nov 7 2006 and there is also the Sonic Gems Collection for PS2 from September 30 2005

Why is Sonic the Hedgehog green?

the hegdehog is most likely to be manic the hedgehog

Sonic unleashed PS2?

Yes, it is on the PS2

Is sonc unleased on PS2?

Yes Sonic Unleashed is for ps2

What is free mode in sonic the hegdehog?

It Is A Mode To Play IN That Game That You Can Play Without Doing Any Missions Or etc... Hope I Could Help You

How do you save in Sonic the Hedgehogs for ps2?

You need a memory card for your ps2

Can you play sonic unleashed on ps2?

If it's a PS2 disc then yes

How old is sonic the hegdehog?

the first Sonic the Hedgehog game was released on June 23, 1991 by SEGA. So I guess you could say sonic is 20 years old, almost 21. Maybe you could go get a beer with him on the 23rd of June

If Sonic heroes 2 is coming out on ps2?

there is no sonic heroes 2.