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Yes it is from the movie Stage Door. The line is said as a part of dialogue that Katherine Hepburns characters is saying in a play that she is acting in. At first she says the line very stiff, a sign that her character cannot act very well. Then after Katherine Hepburn's character's friend is killed, she says the lines perfectly on opening night and is held as a great actress. Stage Door also starred Ginger Rodgers and a young Lucilee O'Ball in a bit part.

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Q: Is the line the callalillies are in bloom from a Katherine Hepburn movie?
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The line 'Calla Lillies Darling' by Katherine Hepburn came from the movie Stage Door and also starred Ginger Rogers, Adolph Menjou, Gail Patrick, Andrea Leeds, Lucille Ball, Eve Arden and Anne Miller.

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Yes -- in this film she portrayed a hillbilly faith-healer(?!?!). The film was a critical and commercial dud.

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