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Yep! There are 2 kinds though: Perognathus and Chaetodipus.

Enjoy!, I think?

The Pocket mouse is a relative to the kangaroo mouse.

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Q: Is there a mouse called a pocket mouse?
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Related questions

What is the status of a pocket mouse?

in a pocket

What year was the pacific pocket mouse endangered?

The pacific pocket mouse was endangered in 1993. Explorors say that the pacific pocket mouse is already extinct at 1993.

How many babies can a Arizona Pocket Mouse have?

The average litter size for an Arizona Pocket mouse is 3-5 pups.

Are there any facts about the pacific pocket mouse?

Here are a couple good ones: 1. The Pacific Pocket Mouse is one of the smallest mammals known to hibernate. 2.Theirs skulls and hind feet are the smallest of all the pocket mice. 3. The Pacific Pocket Mouse is one of eight species referred to as pocket mice. 4. The Pacific Pocket Mouse is one of the smallest rodent species.

What does Lennie not have in his pocket?

A dead mouse

What did Lennie keep in his pocket?

Lennie kept a dead mouse in his pocket because he enjoyed petting soft things and found comfort in touching the mouse's fur.

What eats the desert pocket mouse?

An eagle eats a desert pocet mouse

Is a pack rat the same as a pocket mouse?

No. A pocket mouse is a mouse of the genus Chaetodipus, and much smaller than a pack rat, also known as a wood rat, genus Neotoma.

Where are the pockets in a pocket mouse?

On the outside of their cheeks

What does Lennie not have in is pocket?

A penny, money and a mouse that's alive; he always has a dead mouse in his pocket because he likes to feel the fur every once in a while.

What does the pocket mouse eat?

foooood okay my people

Is the pacific pocket mouse extinct?

No. There are a few left.