no but there is a duelist pack that contains Crystal Beasts and their support cards. Duelist Pack7: Jesse Anderson.
You have
A good and cheap Yu-Gi-Oh deck that you can make for under 70 bucks is the Samurai deck.
phantom of darkness labryinth of nighmer invasion of chaos wierdly some ancient sancturary
Most yugioh structure decks cost around $12 in a store, though they usually only have the newest ones; each deck varies in cost from about $8-$15. I recommend going to to get anything yugioh card related, because their prices are reasonable.
yugioh cards are made by paper so i will tell you how to get your yugioh cards for free all you have to do is go to i make yugioh cards and you can make your own yugioh cards so now you kown how to make your yugioh cards.
The deck that comes with the Yugioh gods and blue eyes white dragon in the Legendary Collection Collectors set. This set brought together some of the most popular cards from early in the Yugioh series.
Go to to learn the rules. You can also get a rulebook in each structure deck and a "beginner's guide" in each starter deck.
Get the warriors triumph structure deck and improve from there.
You can obtain Junk Warrior by getting the structure deck which it's in. It's in the Yugioh 5ds Starter Deck.
A good and cheap Yu-Gi-Oh deck that you can make for under 70 bucks is the Samurai deck.
The card "Zombie World" is only available in the Zombie World structure deck.
Well what is your yugioh deck?
phantom of darkness labryinth of nighmer invasion of chaos wierdly some ancient sancturary
It depends on what type of starter deck e.g. Yugioh 5ds, Yugioh GX, Yugioh!
Most yugioh structure decks cost around $12 in a store, though they usually only have the newest ones; each deck varies in cost from about $8-$15. I recommend going to to get anything yugioh card related, because their prices are reasonable.
Most likely a vanilla beatdown deck
there is no limit