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No. In Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum there is.

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Q: Is there a route 211 in Pokemon emerald?
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Where do you get an teddiersa on Pokemon diamond?

Route 211, Lake Acuity with Emerald inserted in the DS.

Where do you find a tedtiursa in Pokemon diamond?

Insert Emerald into your ds and go to route Route 211/Lake acuity

Where do you find teddiersa in diamond?

You need to put Pokemon emerald in the GBA slot the go to Route 211 or Acuity Lkefront WITH Emerald in the GBA slot!

How do you get teddiursa?

Route 211 with emerald inserted.

How do you get tedursa in Pokemon diamond?

A copy of Pokemon Emerald is required to get Teddiursa in Pokemon Diamond. By having a copy of Pokemon Emerald in the GBA slot of the DS Teddiursa will start to appear in Route 211 and Acuity Lakefront.

Where do you find tediursa in Pokemon platinum?

route 211 or Lake Acuity with Pokemon Emerald inserted in the DS Game Boy Advanced slot.

How do you get tediusa on Pokemon Pearl?

route 211 (after getting the national pokedex, insert the Pokemon emerald gamboy game into your ds, and it will eventually apear.)

How do you catch teddiursa in platinum?

Go to the eterna city side of route 211 while having Pokemon emerald inserted in the GBA slot

Where is route 16 in emerald?

there is no route 16 in Pokemon emerald

How do you catch Teddiursa on Pokemon Pearl?

You must have Pokemon Emerald in the Game Boy Advance slot of the Nintendo DS while playing it and then it will be located at Route 211, and Lake Acuity.

How do you find a teddiursa in Pokemon platinum?

you have to have emerald insertead then go to route 211 enternea city side than search it takes a couple tries

How do you get taunt on Pokemon Diamond?

its on route 211