There are World of Warcraft parental controls that can be used. Check the official site (linked below) to read about them. With parental controls you can modify not just time played per month/week/day, but also when they can play.
There is a Hp limit for a Pokemon if you are talking about games. Without cheat, you can't have undead Pokemon
that's a good question??? that's a good question???
No you can't discard unless instructed to by a card or effect, or you have exceeded your hand size limit and are at the end of your turn.
MC Bergos is an MC who is partnered up with DJ Limit. Both of these entertainers travel the world to show off their Dj'ing skills.
There is no limit to the total number of terms, but he/she cannot serve more than two consecutive terms without taking a term off.
214,748 gold, 36 silver, 48 copper
No, the only gamecards usable in World of Warcraft is the ones made by blizzard.
There is no website for a free legal world of warcraft. You can play the free trial for free though, and there is no time limit on it, however you can only level to level 20. The link is below in the related links section.
Yes World of Warcraft can be good for any age that can use a computer that is. Basically there are different parental controls to limit what the player can do and how they do it. They have Mature Language Filters, Play Time Limiters, and many different things that can help your child enjoy World of Warcraft while you enjoy the time alone from them.
There does not seem to be a limit on the number of accounts that you can have linked to a battle-net account.
Yes, you can have as many mounts that you can buy, have drop, or are given. There is absolutely no limit on the amount of mounts that you can have.
A time limit as in parental controls you would have to login to your account on and disable it however there might be a password that your parent put on there in the first place to keep it active
World of Warcraft has many references to alcohol, violence, blood and etc. Kids will be exposed to people who can be either good or obnoxious (trolls for example, not the race). As a parent you can limit their game time on WoW and also filter the chat but there is references to PG13 and up things as listed above.
No, aboslutely not. Runescape has no level limit for F2P players, like WoW does. For example runescape has a total level cap which is lower for F2P players than it is for members, but that's not as big of a difference as being free to lvl 20, but having to pay to play to continue leveling, such as in World of Warcraft.
when i played it was a great game. id say its still worth the money but make sure you limit yourself to like 2 hours or less a day.
The gold cap is currently almost 215.000 gold per character; this is because the game designers placed this limit on it through their programming. You can mail gold to other characters to spread the gold and remain under the gold cap.