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Q: Is there any of the alien or predator movie series on Netflix?
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What are the names of the 3 alien vs predator movies?

the first one is Alien vs Predator. the second one is Alien vs Predator: Requiem but there is no third movie.

How many movies were in the Aliens series?

The Alien franchise features four films and two crossover films. The Alien franchise films include Alien, Aliens, Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection, while the crossover films are Alien vs. Predator and Alien vs. Predator: Requiem.

What year was the first Alien vs Predator movie made?

the year the first alien vs predator film came out in 2004 .

Is there a second movie of alien vs predator?

If you mean Alien vs Predator Reqeuim which was a sequal to AVP. It literally starts where AVP ends with the last Predator being taken aboard the ship and then as they fly away, an alien explodes from it chest. It is an OK movie.

What is the name of the movie where in the beginning some womens get pregnant by some alien and their belly's explode Im not talking about the movie Alien its some other movie.?

the movie is called alien vs. predator

Does Netflix have the twilight movie series?

Unfortunatly, not.

Is the movie alien vs predator rated R?

Yes, it is rated R.

When was the movie launched Alien Vs Predator 2?

December 25th 2007.

How many movies of predator?

There are three: Predator, Predator 2 (1990), and Predators (2010).There are also two crossover films with the Alien franchise: Alien vs. Predator (2004) and Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007).

Is alien vs predator extinction real?

no it's not real because there is no movie by that name

Will Predator 4 have a female cast in the movie?

No, because there is no Predator 4 in the works. There is a fourth movie in the series which will take place between Predator 2 & Predators.