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JP Morgan, or John Pierpoint Morgan the man was driven, highly intelligent, and while this has nothing to do with his character, his childhood suffering shaped much of his driven personality, throughout the rest of his life.

He was born a financially privileged man but once he achieved financial success on his own, he become deeply devoted to giving back to his community, particularly where the arts were concerned. In fact, when purchasing art, whether for the community or for his own personal collection, he had a reputation for not caring at all about the price; so long as he could acquire the desired art piece, he would pay whatever the asking price.

His physical appearance was riveting as well as, intimidating. He was a large man, with pale white skin, and had been afflicted badly by rosacea. He was conscience of his physical appearance, and did not appreciate having his photo taken.

He was known to be a tyrant by many colleagues who found him also to be self absorbed. He liked playing the role of a savior, who worshiped his dead father and often neglected his son.

Rumour was one did not make an enemy out of Morgan, as he held a grudge to the grave. When he did pass away, it was at age 75, two months after a holiday to Egypt, and after suffering a nervous breakdown.

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