Lil Kim is 35 years old (birthdate: July 11, 1975).
Lil Phat died on June 7, 2012 in Sandy Springs, Georgia at the age of 19 years old (born: July 25, 1992).
Well, in people who love Lil' JJ, they think that Lil' JJ is super popular. But to people who don't know him or people who don't like him they say he is BROKE!!!! I know what your thinking, there's people out there that don't like him? yeah. Anyway he is so popular I live in Little Rock and I know that he is not famous or popular here, I just found out about him about a month ago and the only reason I remember him is because he is from little rock, he is crazy funny though, it wont be long before everyone knows him.
Actually little Wayne "Dwayne Carter" drinks cough syrup to make his voice how it is as well as his father "Birdman".. Also, Lil Wayne accidentally shot himself in the chest when he was younger which may contribute to his unique voice.
Bumblebee is a robot so he was never born so he has no age.
I'm sure he's 26
because lil waynes father died at age 14. so birdman adopted him.
his dads name at the age of 14 after his dad died
No, lil waynes real dad abandonned his mom when he found out she was pregnant, Birdman came into lil waynes life at around age 6/7 and they consider each other as father and son.
Yes they are dating. They kiss on the mouth and birdman buys lil wayne very expensive cars and diamond rings, bracelets, and watches. Birdman is not lil waynes father But instead Picked him up at the age of 11 and raped him, wayne admitted to this in the Carter 3 Documentary.
Yes, Baby aka Birdman officially adopted lil Wayne. lil waynes father was never in his life his father never died he divorced his mom when Wayne was only 2 and birdman didnt actually introduce Wayne to the rap game, he joined cash money records at the age of nine
he has had many big breaks, when he first started at age 13 "the block is hot" was a instant hit. but his biggest break was his album "tha carter 3". it sold over 3 million in the first week
his dad died when he was a little kid and i dont think anyone nows where his mom is but in his songs he metions his mom alot so she might be dead or she supports him alot and to answer your qestion he didnt start rapping until a older age like about 16 or 17
LIl twist is of January 11th 2010
age 16
Lil' Romeo Lil' Romeo enjoyed a hit single at the age of 11.