From what I know... there's Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Rayquaza, Groudon, Kyogre and Latios/Latias.
3 Regis/ located in 3 different caves after unlocking in some chamber.
Rayquaza/ back in sky pillar after elite four.
Groudon/ go to Weather Institute after elite four and they should say there's a drought in a route. Go to that route and there should be a cave.
Kyogre/ same as Groudon, except rainy.
Latios/Latias- after elite four, your mom will ask you what colour was that pokemon. (Red/Blue) Choose red, Latias. Blue, Latios. When you choose the colour, whatever colour you chose, will be in the wild at Hoenn (damage/catch it quick... it can flee whenever it wants to! Or use your only Master Ball :( )
You cannot breed Legendary Pokemon without cheats, except for Manaphy with Ditto.
Get Pokemon emerald and then you can get all three without cheats or trading
yes and no
No, you do not need cheats to get the rarest Pokemon. The only way to get the rarest Pokemon without cheating is to go to a Nintendo Event, held every few years or so, and download the rarest Pokemon there. Otherwise, you would need cheats to get the rarest Pokemon.
Not without Gameshark cheats. The Legendary Birds (Zaptos, Moltres and Articuno) are only avaivable on Blue/Red/Yellow version, or some newer versions.
Yeah, of course! I finished Pokemon Emerald years ago and I caught the legendary pokémon This was all done without cheats mind you, I only have a Gameboy Color. No cheats. You can catch it, but I suggest buying a few masterballs, it could take a while.
You Need Cheats The Wild Pokemon Modifier.
i don't have emerald but the valuable Pokemon is rayquaza
how to get all the tickets in Pokemon emerald?
You cannot breed Legendary Pokemon without cheats, except for Manaphy with Ditto.
i know how to get nearly every Pokemon without a cheating device. do you know how to get Deoxis on emerald Or is there a way to get Darkrai on diamond without cheats?
no no
Without cheats they randomly appear in the wild or hatch from eggs.
As far as I know you can not.
transfer from emerald
Currently impossible without cheats.
you can't.