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you choose the card choose two tribute choose the monster you want two tribute summon and summon it

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10y ago

You have to be summoned by the Ritual Spells to tribute a card in Yugioh Gx Duel Academy.

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What is a deck in newspapers?

yugioh cards are made by paper so i will tell you how to get your yugioh cards for free all you have to do is go to i make yugioh cards and you can make your own yugioh cards so now you kown how to make your yugioh cards.

What is a deck in the newspaper?

yugioh cards are made by paper so i will tell you how to get your yugioh cards for free all you have to do is go to i make yugioh cards and you can make your own yugioh cards so now you kown how to make your yugioh cards.

What cards should you remove from your Yugioh deck to make it have forty cards?

Take out duplicates and cards that you cannot use or do not have the cards required.

Name cards you need to make a yugioh deck?

magic trap and monster

Can you buy Yu-Gi-Oh cards in Russia?

no way russia doent make yugioh cards okay

How do you suggest new cards to Konami and Kazuki Takahashi to make them in the Yugioh cards?

go to and send your premade cards to Konami in an email!

Will YuGiOh Card Maker make your cards real and send them to you?

no because they don't print cards.It is illegal to independently print cards and sell them out.

What two yugioh cards are needed to make the fusion card Skull Knight?

Tainted Wisdom and Ancient Brain.

How can you make anime style Yugioh cards?

draw the pictur e and have the frame of the card and then add your anime character

In Yugioh what do you need to make elemental hero Neos?

Elemental hero neos is a normal monster so there for it is not a fusion and no cards combine to make it.

Can somebody rate this yugioh deck and help make it better cheaply and not over 10?

Whats your deck? I like to make my deck with if you're going for 40 cards 20 monsters(usually 11 level 4 and 9 tribute summons) and then 20 spells/traps I'll look at your deck if you tell me what they are

Where can one make their own Yu-Gi-Oh cards?

You can not physically make your own YuGiOh cards that are legal to use in any sort of game. However, you can make your own gag cards for comical reasons. Instructables has a tutorial on how to make them using an image search.