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Chapter Eightenn - Birthday Suprises Page 366

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Q: On which page does Ron consume the love potion?
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Who give love potion to Harry which is consumed by Ron?

Romilda Vane

When does harry get the love potion?

Harry never uses or drinks love potions. It's Ron who gets poisoned with Amorentia; Lumpsluck cures him.

In Harry Potter and the half-blood prince game can you be Ron and Hermione?

You can be Ron but not Hermione i have the game at home on wii, and when Ron is suffering from love potion, u have to be Ron to get to slughorns office and u follow harry xD

Did Ron Weasley fall in love with Romilda Vane?

He only does once he has eaten a chocolate laced with love potion so he really isn't in love with her, only the illusion of love.

Is it magic portion or potion?

Potion, just like the Pollyjuice Potion that turned Harry and Ron into Crab and Goil.

What is Hermione's third attraction when smelling a love potion?

Ron Weasley's hair. JK Rowling said so in a webchat, I believe.

What is 'I love Ron' when translated from English to French?

I love Ron is " j'aime Ron " in French.

Who can you play with on Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince?

You are always Harry during the main parts of the game except for the time you are Ron when he eats the love potion, and Ginny for the last Quidditch Match.

Do they drink a potion in the novel Harry Potter?

Yes, in the second book of the Harry Potter series - The Chamber of Secrets, Harry, Ron, and Hermionie each drink the polyjuice potion.

What happens with ron and Hermione's love at the end?

Harry falls in love with Ron's sister, they get married and Ron marries Hermione.

What was Ron Weasley poisoned by?

Harry was going through his trunk and took out a box of chocolate cauldrons that Romilda Vane had given him. It was Ron's 17th birthday and he had been opening gifts. He thought the chocolate cauldrons were a gift and ate them. Unfortunately, they were full of an aged love potion and Ron fell under the enchantment. Harry took Ron up to Horace Slughorn's office to get an antidote. After he is cured, Slughorn gave Ron a glass of mead. The mead was intended for Dumbledore and had been poisoned(The Mead was made by Draco Malfoy). Harry found a bezoar in the office and used it to save Ron.

What alcoholic beverage was inside the Chocolate Cauldrons that Romilda Vane gave Harry Potter?

Ramilda never gave Harry alcohol. It was chocolate cauldrons filled with love potion. Harry never ate them and the potion sat getting stronger. They accidentally fell into Ron's possession and he ate them to disastrous results.