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Q: Orison Swett Marden you cannot rise higher than your thought of ourselves?
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Robots cannot live a human life, like ourselves.

Whom do you think we can depend on?

WE cannot depend on anyone, except OURSELVES

How can you stop love?

Answer You can't. We cannot make ourselves love someone and we cannot make ourselves stop loving someone. I don't care what anyone says, you cannot make love happen or not happen. If it is real love you will never be able to stop it.

Why you cannot lift ourselves?

because of force of gravity and due to without balance of anything

What is a want that government cannot satisfy?

A desire that the government cannot satisfy is happiness. Even the best government can't do that for us... we have to learn it for ourselves.

How can you remind ourselves everday that you are living for god?

You and we cannot, but Jesus can remind us when we walk with hm.

Is education important to stop animal abuse?

yes, if we do not educate ourselves with the things that people do to animals than we cannot see how the animal is hurt, and if we do not educate ourselves on what animal abuse is we may become an animal abuser.

Is the sentence ''We are talking to myself'' proper English?

No, the sentence is not proper English. It should be "We are talking to ourselves."

How do you keep ourselves from being stolen?

Since people cannot be owned, they also cannot be stolen, although they can be kidnapped. To avoid being kidnapped I recommend that you do not plan to vacation in Mexico.

Are there living organisms in the air that you cannot see?

Yes, they are overall in this world, this is why we must take care of ourselves in our daily life.

Is the sun gay?

No, the sun is not capable of cognizant thought, and therefore, cannot be gay.

Why does slash smoke?

He thought it was "cool" and has become addicted and therefor cannot stop.