Near the apricorn tree. :)
I'm not sure, but the unusual apricorn in Pokemon soul silver is the "silver apricorn". If you want celebi, get the silver apricorn, give it to Kurt, (poke ball maker) and in a day (or you can set your ds or dsi another day forward) and you have the Gs ball. Go to the ilex forest and put it in that little house and celebi will pop out.
blk apricorn, wht apricorn, red apricorn, ylw apricorn, and grn apricorn, blu apricorn, pnk apricorn
White Apricorn : Fast Ball Green Apricorn : Friend Ball Black Apricorn : Heavy Ball Red Apricorn : Level Ball Pink Apricorn : Love Ball Blue Apricorn : Lure Ball Yellow Apricorn : Moon Ball
You don't get it with apricorns you get it in an event for 13th movie
There is no Silver Apricorn...
silver apricorn
the silver apricorn
what? silver apricorn? there is no silver apricorn! i don't no wat ur talkins abouts! from Pokemon master123
In kanto
i am sorry i do not no what apricorn it is but you get from Kurt with some apricorn. White apricorn does the trick.
a black apricorn then give it to Kurt
Azalea town
there is absolutely no secret apricorn in heart gold or soul silver, but good question.
you can't
You can't use a apricorn to get a gs ball.
other people say it is a silver apricorn but i am not sure i dont know where it is either