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Q: Show me the plot mountain of the divide by elizabeth kay?
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Related questions

What was the Babington plot?

when Elizabeth I killed Mary Queen Of Scots...The Babington Plot was a way to kill Elizabeth!

Is a plot mountain a plot diagram?

Yes, a plot mountain is a type of plot diagram used to visually represent the structure of a story. It typically includes key elements like exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution, forming a mountain-shaped graph to represent the story's progression.

How old was Elizabeth at the time of the gunpowder plot?

Elizabeth 1 was dead and James was king, hence the plot to eliminate him, as he was not well liked.

Which best explains how writers use the plot mountain?

Though writers use the plot mountain as guideline, they sometimes stray from it as they write.

In harvest moon tree of traquilty can you live on the mountain plot?

Nope. You can only live on the town plot, seaside plot, or the hilltop plot.

How do you find the average of a line plot?

divide by the gradient

Why did elizabeth execut Mary?

Elizabeth I of England executed Mary I of Scotland because she was a Catholic threat to a Protestant throne and she just been pressured into signing the authorization of a plot to overthrow Elizabeth.

What is the plot of the book Beware Princess Elizabeth ''?

help please

What is the plot in The Bible?

The plot of the Bible is to show mankind that He loves them.

What kinds of information can a box plot easily show you?

It can show you what you are talking about that is being done on the box plot.

What was the bablington plot?

I think you mean the babington plot; a plot in 1586 organized to remove Elizabeth I from power and replace her with Mary Stuart, known as Mary Queen of Scots. The plot involved Catholic support and was uncovered largely by the work of Francis Walsingham, Elizabeth I's spymaster. The plot led to the execution of Mary Stuart in 1587, as Elizabeth finally had clear proof that mary had plotted against her. It can be seen as a (tenuous) cause of the Spanish Armada in 1588.

What is a plot mountain?

A basic structure that most fiction follows.