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no, jazz is the smallest autobot out of the five in t1

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Q: Transformers Is jazz taller than bumblebee?
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Which autobots die in transformers the movie?

only jazz dies.but in the next movie when optomus prime dies jazz comes back as sideswipe a ferrai!sideswipe is the autobots new boss!the bad news is bumblebee and optomus die. . Wrong bumblebee does NOT DIE only octimus does but he gets revived and jazz is not sideswipe and he's a corvette stingray and bunch of other guys die other than jazz

Is bumblebee taller than ratchet?

they are about the same but ratchet is a little bigger

Is bumble bee taller than prime in transformers?


How tall is Devastator from Transformers?

devastator is taller than any transformer

What is Jazz's role in Transformers?

Jazz was second in command of the Autobots before he was killed by Megatron. Jazz was brave and strong, not afraid to take on Decepticons that were bigger than he was.

In transformers animated how big is Lockdown?

Bigger than Bumblebee (WAY bigger) shorter than Omega Supreme (WAY shorter) and head and shoulders above Ratchet....a head shorter than Headmaster Bulkhead. Does that help?

Who would win Batman or bumblebee?

Bumblebee would take batman out in less than a second, 1 laser to him or even the batmobile and Bumblebee wins.

How tall is Sideways Transformers Revenge of The Fallen?

the sister are 8 feet tall he is about 3 or 4 feet taller than them so he is about 11 0r 12 feet tall

You are taller than him or he.?

You are taller than him is the correct answer .

Which is correct - He is taller than you or He is taller than you?

yes because hes older and taller

What is the theme to transformers?

The theme to transformers is basically just giant robots the are from a planet called Cybertron. There are 2 sides in transformers one good and one evil. The Good side is called the Autobots which includes Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and Red alert. The evil side is called the Decepticons which includes Megatron, Starscream, and Barricade. The 2 sides are always fighting over something it gets confusing sometimes but basically just listen to the theme song it just says "Transformers, Robots in disguise, Transformers, more than meets the eyes." So that is bascially the main theme of Transformers!

Who plays the music to dethklok?

Skwigsgar Skwigelf taller than a tree, Toki Wartooth not a bumblebee, Wiliam Murderface Murderface Murderface, Pickles the drummer doodly, doo ding dong doodly doodly doo, Nathan Explosion.