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Q: Was Abe lincolin in the union or confeferate?
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Was Abe lincolin black?

you spelled Abe Lincoln wrong but the answer is no.

Abraham Lincolin's nickname?

honest Abe

What is Abe Lincolin's Education?

He taught hiself.

Where was Abe lincolin shot?

In the head, in the balcony of Fords Theater, in Washington DC.

Who is this the tallest man?

The tallest man is Abe lincolin and the tallest basket ball player is yah ming

How do you spell ade lincolin?

The spelling is "Abe Lincoln", a short name form for President Abraham Lincoln.

How will Abraham Lincoln's accomplishments effect us today?

now people are like yo that guy Abe lincolin is gfg

Which president was successful and putting the union back together after the civil war?

Abraham Lincolin.

What is Abe Lincoln remembered for?

preserving the union in the civil war

Who shot president lincolin?

John Wilks Booth shot president lincolin

Why did the south feel they could secede from the union?

yes, they seceded from the union as soon as they heard of Abe Lincoln's victory, they knew that if they didn't Abe (the president) would just take over them provent the slavery from ever happening.

Do Abraham lincolin have black in him?
