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Q: Was Harold killed by a knight?
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When was Harold Knight born?

Harold Knight was born in 1874.

Which eye did the arrow land in when Harold Godwinson was killed with an arrow?

There is no definitive proof that Harold was actually killed by an arrow to the eye. Documentation and records form the time of the battle are not explicit on the subject of how Harold actually died.

Who killed King Harold any why?

Harold hardrada was killed by Harold Godwinson in the battle of hastings

What is the duration of Who Killed Harold Holt?

The duration of Who Killed Harold Holt? is 3600.0 seconds.

When did Harold Knight die?

Harold Hunter died on February 17, 2006, in New York City, New York, USA of heart attack.

Who killed Harold Hardaada?

Harold Godwinson, who was king of England at the time of the battle of Hastings, killed Harold Hardraada at the battle of Stamford Bridge.

Who killed King Harold?

On the Bayeux Tapestry it is shown that Harold got an arrow in the eye. I have heard it said he was actually killed in Melee against the Norman cavalry, probably by sword strike.

When Harold of Wessex was hit in the eye by an arrow witch Norman killed him?

Harold was not killed by the arrow but an Norman killed himm while he was lying on the floor in pain

Which king died at the Battle of Hastings and how?

King Harold; some say he got an arrow in the eye, others say he was trampled by aNorman knight and some say he was disemboweled, beheaded and killed by 4 knights. This is shown in the Bayeux Tapestry and above it in Latin it says "King Harold is killed". However, to this day nobody really knows how he died.

Who killed king Harold godwinson?

Harald Hadrada was killed by Harold Godwinson (also known as Harold II) When an arrow pierced through his throat.

Who killed Harold godwinson?

An archer.

What happened to the leaders in the Battle of Hastings?

Harald from Normandy got killed by Harold's men and Harold got killed by William's archers