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Ashley tisdale was dating Zac Efron in the audition stage of hsm however they split up shortly after zac efron was 'punked' by Ashton kutcher and Ashley tisdale. They are now best of friends, but he is engaged to vannessa hudgens.

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Q: Was ashely Tisdale with Zac Efron?
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What is zac efron's favorite girl name?

Krystal fisher Vanessa hugdens and Ashely Tisdale

Did ashely tisdale has ever dated zac efron?

Efron and Tisdale have known each other since before High School Musical and have remained close friends. But they have never dated. Tisdale is three years older than Efron, and Seniors don't date Freshmen.

Is Ashley Tisdale going out with Zac Efron?


Are Ashlet Tisdale And Zac Efron Living Together?


Who does Zac Efron like?

Zac Efron likes Vanessa Hugens. And maybe he also likes Ashley Tisdale.

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Ashely tisdale likes dating zac efron

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Of course not

Is Zac Efron Ashely Tisdale friend?

of course not they kissed

Dous ashly tisdale fancy Zac Efron?

Does Zac Efron Fancy Ashely Tisdale? No He Does Not. He Is To Caught Up With Vanessa Hudgens Or Should I say Vanessa EFRON!

Has Zac Efron dated ashely tisdale?

Yes, they dated in 2011

Who does Zac Efron have a crush on in 2010?

He had a crush on Ashely Tisdale on 2010.

Did ashely tisdale kiss Zac Efron?

no because she don,t like him........................

Is zac Efron still in love with ashely tisdale?

no he isent and they never will because zac loves vanessa

Does Zac Efron and ashely Tisdale going out?

No they're not . They're just huge friends.

Did Zac Efron and ashely tisdale kis?

yes in suite life of Zack and Cody

Did Zac Efron go out with Ashely Tisdale?

No they're not . They're just huge friends.

Did Zac Efron date ashely tisdale?

yes, but only on a tv episode of the suite life of zac and Cody