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No, kronos (Cronus) was not cut up, his stomach was cut open and he was banished to tartarus (a hellish place). However, Uranus (Chronus's father) was cut up and thrown across earth .

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Q: Was kronos cut up
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His dad, Kronos, was eating all his kids, so his wife, Rhea, hid the last child (who was Zeus) and Kronos ate a rock instead. Kronos then sicked up his kids, and Zeus and his brothers and sisters cut him up with his own sythe (sword) and threw his pieces into the 4 corners of the Earth. And they all lived happily ever after. (Well, except for Kronos) THE END

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Zeus, son of Kronos, made Kronos barf up his children using a mixture of mustard and wine.

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in Kronos's stomach! since Kronos's ate Hades and Poseidon whole they were alive. Rhea kept Zeus in hiding until He was old enough to fight Kronos. when the fight was over and Zeus had won (=>) Zeus cut open Kronos's stomach to retrieve his brethren. then He cut him up into a 1,000 pieces and threw him in the Tartarus (a place with ever lasting pain and suffering).

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no, his mother saved him, and he grew up and cut Kronos to pieces, saved his siblings and threw the peices of Kronos into a bottomless pit in the Underworld called Tartarus

What is the myth behind Greek gods?

The myth behind the gods has the titan lord Kronos swallow Hera, Poseidon, Hestia, and Hades. Kronos's wife, Rhea gave birth to Zeus and hid him in a cave and gave Kronos a rock wrapped in cloth to swallow. When Zeus matured, he tricked Kronos into eating herbs that would make him throw up so he threw up his brothers and sisters, still alive from being immortal. Then Zeus took Kronos's scythe and cut Kronos up into millions of peices and threw them into Tartarus. Then the gods had children and then took control over everything replacing the titans.

How did Zeus punish his father?

Zeus cut Kronos inton pieces and cast the pieces into Tartarus, the huge pit in the Underworld. Kronos was then improsined there.

Who destroyed kronos?

Kronos received a prophecy that his children would overthrow him. He did not wish it to come true, so he ate his children, Poseidon, Demeter, Hestia, Hades, and Hera. His wife, Rhea, did not like it that he was eating their children. She hid baby Zeus when he was born and gave Kronos a rock instead. When Zeus had grown up, he fed Kronos a mixture of mustard and wine. This made the titan throw up Zeus' siblings, along with the rock. They then destroyed Kronos and cut him up to million pieces. They are currently scattered in the pit of Tartarus in the Fields of Punishment in the Underworld.

What happened to kronos after the gods defeated him?

Kronos was chopped up and thrown in to Tatarus

Who is the son of kronos?

Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades are sons of Kronos. Kronos swallowed Poseidon and Hades, but Rhea hid Zeus from Kronos. Zeus later tricked Kronos into vomiting up Poseidon and Hades.

When did Poseidon come out of kronos stomach?

Poseidon did not come out of the stomach of Kronos, he and his siblings were spat up when Metis and Zeus tricked Kronos into disgorging them.

What are the first generation of immortal gods?

the first immortals in greek legend were the titans. titans are the same as the god but they are a lot meaner. the titans are children of Gaea and Uranus, the earth and the sky. the head titand Kronos cut up his father and threw the chopped up Uranus all around the world in the sea. then when Kronos had children THEY cut him up and threw him into Tartarus, a gaint pit in the underworld that was made just for him. his children were the greek gods